Dev Diary #6: Dealing with Catastrophic Failure

Dev Diary #6: Dealing with Catastrophic Failure Stay in Touch Sign up for our newsletter to get exclusive Duple Dragon goodies and news in your inbox, and join our Discord server to chat with us and other players. Join Newsletter Join Discord Hi everyone, this is Ian....

The Value of Difficult Content

The Value of Difficult Content Stay in Touch Sign up for our newsletter to get exclusive Duple Dragon goodies and news in your inbox, and join our Discord server to chat with us and other players. Join Newsletter Join Discord Casual vs. Hardcore: A Misguided Debate...

Dragon Snacks: New Looks Menu, Floating Text, and Template Builder

Dragon Snacks: New Looks Menu, Floating Text, and Template Builder Dragon Snacks Dragon Snacks are blog posts focusing on the little things in game development. Small spotlights on features too small for their own blog posts. Looks Menu Makeover The Looks Menu is...

Dev Diary #5: Controlled Random and Creating Content with a Small Team

Dev Diary #5: Controlled Random and Creating Content with a Small Team Time is Precious Hello, this Tripping Whale’s lead designer, Ian. Did you know that Tripping Whale is just three people? It’s true. With just myself, Caleb, and Souren — all of us with day jobs —...