The Anniversary Update is on Hold for Now
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Life is Getting in the Way
The last few times we’ve sent out an update we’ve talked about how the anniversary update is coming soon. At this point we’re sure that’s starting to sound like Soon™, and unfortunately we can confirm today that this update isn’t coming soon, after all.
What’s going on?
Since late last month life has started to get in the way of our development time in a big way. Between work contracts in our day jobs, moving homes, and other major life events all three of us on the team are not currently able to put in a meaningful amount of hours on the project.
The whole thing is a little painful for us, because we weren’t lying when we said the update is nearly complete. Another week or two of us working at full power is probably all it will take at this point, but cutting that up into part-time chunks quickly turns work-days into part-time weeks.
Future Roadmap
Despite the pause, we’re still committed to this release. We’ve put way too much time and passion into it to give up, especially when we’re so close to finishing. With the way things are going, we’re expecting that we’ll be able to switch back to Duple Dragon in a month or two from now and finally get this thing out the door.
In the meantime, we’re planning to post more op-ed style pieces on game design philosophy, like we’ve done before with our opinion pieces on ethical monetization, and the value of difficulty.
Our plan for the anniversary update has always been to treat it as a 2.0 launch for the game, and that hasn’t changed. Whenever we’re able to get it finished up and released, we’ll be putting our immediate efforts on marketing and advertisement beyond anything we’ve done so far. It’s going to be a new set of challenges for us to tackle, but we believe in our game and want to give it one more big push towards success.
Thanks for Understanding
We’re sorry we jumped the gun by saying this was almost done, and hope you aren’t too disappointed. These kinds of delays are one of the downsides of doing game development in our spare time, and despite our best laid plans life tends to get in the way at the worst possible times. We’re still hoping that one day we can make this our full-time jobs, but today is not that day. Thanks so much for continuing to follow our development. We hope you’ll stick around to try the anniversary update when we finally get it done and dusted!
– Caleb, Ian, and Souren
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