Anniversary Patch Status Update

May 10, 2023

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The Anniversary Patch is Still Coming

You know how we said that the anniversary patch might be done in a couple weeks after our last blog post? Well, that was a little ambitious on our part. Since we wrote that, we’ve been working hard building features and improvements, squashing bugs, and getting everything battened down for launch. We’re nearly there—all the new features are done, and we’re fixing every bug we can find. We’ve also been working through some nasty new technical challenges that weren’t a thing when we released our last update.

We still can’t commit to an exact release date since we face build bugs due to both Unity and Xcode. Caleb is valiantly bashing bugs as fast as he can, but with an unknown number of challenges between us and getting this into your hands we’ll just have to play it by ear for now.

To sum it all up, this patch is coming soon and we’re extremely excited about it. It’s feeling like a true 2.0 update, and we can’t wait for you all to play it. Make sure you’re subscribed to our newsletter so you’ll be alerted when the patch goes live!

– Caleb, Ian, and Souren

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